The time had come to chop Sal's head off. If you don't know that's the name I have given to my giant sunflower. Anything this large deserves a name. Anyway this is by far my biggest sunflower I've ever grown and or harvested. I excited to have a friend that will be roasting the seeds and hopefully giving me a sample. The aroma coming off this flower now is amazing. Rich nutty smell. I placed it on the scale and it weighs in at 7.2 lbs. Quite a hefty flower if you ask me. I had to chop it down with a hatchet. And you can see in the picture that the stalk is just behind me a bit to the left. It's still well over 7ft tall even without its head and a foot of stalk that I chopped with it.
I figured I'd show a few younger pictures of Sal to give you some perspective to his growth.
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