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Showing posts from February, 2015

Gotta grow garlic and onions

 I've  always plant garlic and onions in the fall. This year I pretty much used every box for growing them. I did this because the winters are unpredictable with weather and temp and both are very hearty. Also because I have plenty of pots to grow other things. The pots allow me to better manage soil nutrients and moveable to adapt to sunny or shady spots.  I used some old garlic from last years pick but also bought some at the local armstrongs garden store.  Garlic and Onions are virtually maintenance free. Just water and pick weeds. The trade off is the time it takes for yields. I expect maybe early summer for picking. 

Lots of lettuce

Lettuce is definitely an easy grow. This year I'm growing in pots because it just has fewer issues. In the past in the garden boxes my lettuce was susptible to slugs and other garden pests. The pots elevate the from ground level. Not saying it's foolproof but haven't had an issue so far Nothing tastier then fresh picked lettuce. These two are Crisphead and Saladbowl Also growing Butterhead and Butter Crunch. Yeah I know that is why I label them all