I think this is quite possibly one of the most important lessons to be learned in gardening. Sadly I think most people learn it after they commit the same mistakes others have (me included) in the past
In the above picture you see my tomato plants just a few weeks old. I thought I gave them ample room and spacing
. But as you can see the other picture I was mistaken. Easiest mistake to make, planting stuff too close together. This was my first attempt at gardening and what better veggie to grow then tomatoes. But I quickly learned that they turn into bushy weeds that quickly take over everything.
I elected to not go the metal cage route and just used clothesline string to string large branches up to support the tomatoes. This jungle did reap great rewards but it was terribly hard to pick some of the tomatoes on the inside of the jungle.
What I learned from this is that no to plant too many tomatoes together unless you want your whole box taken over. I guess we all get over zealous and want to grow the most in the smallest area.
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